Irrigation Water
Irrigation water is all water used outside the condominium to water lawns and gardens in the Association’s common area (excluding water from the outside hose spigots). Irrigation water use is controlled by the Association through our landscape contractor and is metered and billed separately from residential water.
Currently homeowners pay all irrigation water bills indirectly through monthly dues. In 2021 irrigation water bills totaled about $38,000. Actual use varies significantly by season.
Twenty-one irrigation water meters measure water in associated irrigation zones. Water is dispersed through sprinklers and drip lines at scheduled times set by timers located throughout the common area. (There are separate meters for residential water.) Meters are read every two months and bills are paid accordingly.
Irrigation costs are high due largely to the abundance of grass in the common area along with our semi-arid climate including periodic droughts.
Impact on budget
The high allocation for water in each budget is detrimental to adequate funding for other needs of the Association. Costs increase every year to maintain and repair the Association grounds, buildings, and infrastructure, and to provide services. These include contractual costs such as our landscape contract and insurance, volatile, non-contractual costs like plumbing repairs, and large scale maintenance projects like roof replacement that are paid from our reserve account.
The Board voted to implement a fair and equitable way to increase funding to meet our common area needs. Please see the Submetering & Xeriscaping section for ways to achieve that goal.
Conservation and Irrigation
"Saving water outdoors can require planning and some investment in new plants or an updated irrigation system. For HOAs, the payoff from these investments can be great. Many homeowners groups are unaware of optimum watering cycles for their landscape and give plants more water than they need. Significant water savings can be achieved by simply adjusting sprinkler timers to match plant watering needs."
From "Water Conseration Tips for HOA's" Surprise, Arizona website, downloaded on 27 August 2021 at 13:43.
Watering a Home Lawn
The Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, which serves the Montgomery and Prince Georges counties in the D.C. metropolitan region area, offers this bit of information about homeowners' use of water on their lawns.
"Watering with a typical sprinkler using a standard 5/8" garden hose for one hour uses about 1,020 gallons of water; if you water three times per week, that's about 12,240 gallons per month. If you run the sprinkler three times per week during a 90-day billing cycle, you will add about 36,000 gallons of water to your usage."
Washington Suburban Sanitary Commission, downloaded on 28 August 2021 at 18:20.
Checklist for Conservation
Consider the following list when thinking about water conservation:
Toilet flushing
The shower
The bath tub
Brushing teeth
Washing hands
Watering plants
Hosing down carports and sidewalks