Xeriscaping Zones

Xeriscape is landscaping that contains drought tolerant plants instead of grass. The purpose of converting grass areas to xeriscaping is to reduce landscape watering.

The Metropolitan Water District provides rebates that cover most of the cost of the grass-to-xeriscape conversion. However, rebates are available only where grass is removed. Conversion from bare ground to xeriscape or adding plants to mulched areas does not qualify for rebates and the cost to install xeriscaping would be borne entirely by the Association.

The Association has identified areas to convert to xeriscape as indicated on the following map. Actual areas to be converted may change depending on the rebate amount and the direct cost to the HOA, homeowner input, and professional landscaper advice. The HOA received approval for a rebate for Phase 1 in late November, 2022, that will cover most, but not all, of the xeriscape installation cost.

Xeriscape Plan: Phases 1 & 2