Xeriscape is landscaping that contains drought tolerant plants instead of grass in order to reduce landscape watering. The Association in consultation with a xeriscape company and homeowners selects areas to convert from grass to xeriscape, creates a landscape plan, applies for San Diego Water Authority rebates, and hires the company to make the conversion. Rebates are paid upon completion of the project.
Goals of Xeriscaping
Reduce water consumption and costs
Create an attractive lawn and garden landscape.
Benefit to the Association
The financial benefit to the Association depends on the amount of grass area converted to xeriscape and the amount of water used to irrigate xeriscaped areas, and the amount of cost covered by rebates. Estimated total savings range from $21,000 to $9,000 annually against a total irrigation water cost of $38,000. Savings apply only to the cost of water, not fixed fees which account for nearly 25% of total cost.
Irrigation Water Cost
The total cost for all water, residential and irrigation, for 2021 (6 bi-monthly bills paid January - November, 2021) was $70,512. Of that amount, $32,392 (46%) was for residential water and $38,120 (54%) was for irrigation water.
Xeriscape cost
The estimated cost of conversion from turf to xeriscape is about $2.50 - $3 per square foot of converted landscape. However, that amount can vary depending on the type of plants selected, type and quality of mulch, the need to rewire portions of the current irrigation system, cost of replacing current sprinklers with drip lines, and the amount of land eligible for rebates.
Initial payment will be paid from HOA #1 reserve funds. Rebates will be used to replenish the reserve account. Once work is completed, it typically takes 3-4 months to receive a rebate.
Xeriscape location selection criteria
Identify areas that are eligible for rebates.
Target high irrigation cost areas.
Create sites that blend well with buildings and lawns to create aesthetically pleasing garden areas.
Incorporate recommendations from homeowners and the xeriscape contractor.
Board approval.
Water Reduction
Grass will be replaced by drought tolerant plants that require far less water than turf. Sprinklers will be replaced by drip irrigation or "bubblers". Those systems use much less water than sprinklers, and direct water only to the plant that needs it instead of watering a wide area.
Steps to accomplish xeriscaping
Identify areas to be xeriscaped with owner and landscape company input.
Create a xeriscape plan
Determine potential cost savings.
Gain Board approval.
Hire a landscape company to install xeriscaping.
Apply for rebates.
Receive approval for rebates that locks in rebate payment.
Install xeriscaping.
Receive rebates.
Xeriscape Installation Process
Spray areas to be xeriscaped to kill grass.
Cap all existing sprinkler heads.
Regrade areas to prepare for planting including removal of 2” of soil below the edges of sidewalks to accommodate mulch.
Create swales and install river rock on assigned areas.
Install new plants.
Install new drip lines to new plants.
Install 2” layer of mulch on all renovated areas.
Check work to make sure everything is done in compliance with the Metropolitan Water District (MWD) rebate requirements.
Obtain final inspection by MWD.
Receive rebate from MWD.