This website provides a window on the Board of Director’s work. Over the past year, the Board has encountered rising costs of reconstruction, repairs, and an increase in non-discretionary obligations. In order to respond to these demands, and to be able to plan, the Board has been examining ways and means to deal with these challenges. Demands have increased for common area maintenance, repair of structures, and plumbing problems. The Association has replaced concrete slabs, retrenched drainage systems, removed dying trees, and repaired lighting.
Perhaps the most effective symbol of our concerns is the condition of our landscape. Residents have noted that during the summer the lawns turned brown and appear not to have the proper care. Although the Board recognizes that our lawns need attention, it is also true that the landscape has suffered from drought conditions and problems with an aging irrigation system. Considering these pressures, it is clear to the Board that a more effective approach needs to be taken to manage the budget in order to improve conditions in the community. Our research has led us to a common source for the solution: the management of our water resources.
In the pages that follow, we explain the Board's goals for water management; the methods and sources for data collection; the records and presentations on the data compiled to date; and, explanations of the modeling that goes into the Association's decision making. All of this falls into two main topics: residential water and irrigation water.
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Residential Water
Although San Diego has done a good job of assuring its residents access to water, it is important to indicate the impact that climate change has had on the world around us. With that assurance, however, come the costs of drought and the inequities of distribution. The site examines these costs and provides an overview and examples of how drought affects the daily lives of fellow Californians.
Irrigation Water
Although evaluating residential water use is important, reigning in the cost of irrigation water is an equally, if not more, important part of the work. The irrigation system requires careful oversight. The Association has surveyed the common area and has identified over 1050 sprinkler heads in various states of repair.
Submetering & Xeriscaping
Submetering and xeriscaping are the two approaches the board voted to adopt to address the water management issue. Submetering is a technology that allows individual water payment by each condominium rather than today's dues-based system payment system. Xeriscaping is widely used in San Diego. It is the practice of replacing grass with drought tolerant plants allowing the Association to reduce water use and cost.
Planning for the Future
Broadly stated, the Board's response to its budgetary challenges is to foster water conservation and renewed land management through an integrated plan involving monitoring, recording, and modeling the use of water and landscape throughout Seven Oaks HOA #1. The details of that plan can be found in the pages that follow.
Also, effective January 1, 2022, Green Valley Landscape assumed landscape maintenance responsibilities for HOA #1. We have seen improvement in landscape water monitoring, irrigation leak detection, repair and replacement of sprinkler heads, pipes, tubing, and irrigation timers. Other services like lawn aeration, weeding, and plant replacement will make our landscape more attractive and less costly.
Water Stewardship
Stewardship means the responsible planning and management of resources. Water stewardship is defined as using water in a way that is socially equitable, environmentally sustainable and economically beneficial (Water Stewardship. United Nations Industrial Development Organization).
Water Conservation
Water conservation options that can reduce customers’ water usage and decrease utility bills include checking for leaks, decreasing irrigation and taking advantage of rebates. Less water use can also lead to lower wastewater charges (Rancho Bernardo News Journal, 30 March 2021).